Thursday, September 22, 2011


Sometimes life has an interesting way of steering me in a direction that I never expected to go, or consider going. Many outside influences seem to be shifting the tides and I'm left with the contemplation of whether to allow myself to be swept up into the flow or not. About a month ago, I found out that the long-term freelance gig I've been working on will be ending. That is happening this Friday. I have something else lined up to start in a week and am excited for the end of the old and the start of something new. However, this change has kinda made me really think about what it is in life that I want to do. The fashion design world can indeed be exciting, but it can also be a very cruel environment that forces you to learn how to keep your head up, even when you want to throw in the towel. Working as a freelancer in SF has certainly been challenging and definitely not as nourishing as I had hoped. So, taking the advice of my mother, I have been doing my best to project what it is in life that I want...and more and more, I picture myself as a shop owner! I die a little inside every day that I have to work for the man. Even though the weekly paycheck is rewarding, working for someone else is not providing me the rewards I need. I come from an independent minded family where I was taught that I can survive financially without having to depend on a 9-5 job. I think I am ready to pursue this path. I'll keep you posted on how it goes. Until then...

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